School Safety
Visitor Check In
When you arrive on campus, please check in at the office. For the safety of our students and school community, we need to know who is here.
Closed Campus
Please remind your students that they are not allowed to leave campus during the day and that they cannot leave after the bus has dropped them off in the morning.
Pickup and Parking
The green loading zone on the road between the Intermediate and Elementary Schools is for bus parking and loading only. The buses leave to start their runs to student homes at 3:20. The green zone is open for all as soon as they pull away. Please use another area to personally pick up your student immediately after school.
Scooters, Skateboards and Bikes
We are sensitive to the fact that students make their way to and from school with different modes of transportation. For the safety of all members of our educational community, this is a reminder to parents and students that scooters, skateboards, and bikes are not to be ridden on campus or on the sidewalks surrounding the campus. Please walk on campus. Students will also need a way of storing and securing their scooter, skateboard or bike, as they cannot be taken from class to class.
Student Messages
We get many calls during the day requesting that we deliver messages to students. Please help us to minimize these interruptions to class by making all of the necessary arrangements before the day begins. We will always make every effort to get this information to your student, but, with only one person in the office, it can be a challenge on some days. Again, thank you for your cooperation with this issue.
Anonymous Tip Line
To promote safety for all students and the community, we have an anonymous tip line that goes directly to the school. Although we prefer to work with families and students directly regarding any concerns or information that affect our school, we realize that this information can be sensitive at times and people want their identity to remain confidential.
If you need to report information anonymously, you may call the school at 895-4690, then choose option 2. This will take you to the tip line where you can
leave your message. You do not have to leave your name or number.
Topics that may addressed on the anonymous tip line include:
Student safety concerns
Substance abuse issues
Anything that concerns you
Lockdown Drills
We will be practicing our emergency plans and evacuation procedures throughout the year.