Please check to see if your student qualifies for summer school benefits.
There is a fire at Tozier's Hardware. All students are safe. The block of Durham Dayton Hwy from the Midway to Goodspeed is closed. For student parent pick up parents will need to come in on the west side of campus and also exit to the west.
Please take a moment to reflect and remember what Memorial Day represents as it commemorates the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces, particularly those who died in battle or as a result of wounds sustained in battle. Let us reflect and honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.
One more week of school! Click here for the latest District news and next week's schedule:
We have the finals schedule available. Please see photo attached
The week in review, now available here:
Thank you Durham Sports Boosters for all of the support this year. We really appreciate all that you do for the student athletes and their respective programs.
Senior Awards Night is this Thursday May 16th at 6pm. The presentation will be on the grass in front of the gym .
Grandparent's Day, DIS Olympics and more here:
"It's the teacher that makes the difference, not the classroom" ~ Michael Morpurgo
Everyone is invited to a free virtual series for all parents of a teenager. They will be focusing on mental health and the teenage brain. See the flyer for details. Starts this Thursday.
The weekly District updates are now live!
This week in FFA NEWS: Durham FFA officers Jack Johansson and Bryce Landon had the opportunity to speak to the Chico Noon Rotary Club about their Silver Dollar Fair projects.
Congratulations DHS Golf on an undefeated league season! Up next is Sections on May 7th.
More district updates from the past week are here:
DHS Greenhouse Sale is this week!
The Durham Community Scholarship Application is due this Thursday, April 22, 2024! You'll need 2 letters of recommendation, typed question answers, and your resume.
Start the week in the know! Click here for the latest District news:
New DIS build photos are up! Please go here for more:
There has been a lot of activity in Durham the past week! See all the updates around campus and news about the DIS build progress here: